Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Step-by-Step Process of Building a Speaker Crossover Design

3 way speaker crossover design

Additionally, there are templates for a wide array of typical filtersand compensation circuits. The CADframework allows implementation of any circuit or filter topology imaginable solong as it uses inductors, resistors, capacitors, operational amplifiers,potentiometers or logic gates. With the design goals in mind,the first step is to decide what kind of speaker will meet the technicalrequirements, budget and size limitations. For a first design, a 2-way loudspeaker should be the limit as 3-wayspeakers are a little more complicated to pull off properly. However, this article covers a 3-way designsince this is what is needed to meet the design goals without any magic. There are many different types of enclosuresand methods used to extend low frequency response.

Audio Equipment For All Occasions

If there are any issues, troubleshooting them early on can save time and frustration down the line. You’ll also want to ensure that all components are secure on the board before you begin soldering. They are direct radiator cones, commonly sized 5 to 12 inches in diameter to allow for more accurate reproduction of higher frequencies. Subwoofers are most commonly direct radiator cones, sized at either 12, 15, or 18 inches in diameter.

3 way speaker crossover design

DIY Audio & Video Home Page

The combined systemresponse after optimization for this design is shown below. If you are just looking to getexcellent sounding speakers at much lower cost than what is availablecommercially, by all means, build someone else's fully documented project. There are a ton of projects out there that,in my opinion, obliterate most commercial offerings at the same total buildcost. Just realize that depending on thelevel of completion, you may still have to build a cabinet, solder a crossoverand troubleshoot inevitable issues. Inalmost all cases, the sale of a completed DIY speaker will not return the costof the parts of the project. If you arewilling to accept these risks then there is definitely something rewardingabout telling people that you built the great sounding loudspeakers sitting inyour living room.

Mid-range – tweeter crossover point

Revel PerformaBe F226Be Tower & C426Be Center Loudspeakers Review - Audioholics

Revel PerformaBe F226Be Tower & C426Be Center Loudspeakers Review.

Posted: Tue, 01 Dec 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]

As a rule of thumb, the max frequency for agiven driver diameter can be equated by taking and dividing it by thedrivers effective diameter. For an 8”driver with an effective cone diameter of 7”, this means that the maximumcrossover frequency should not exceed 1937Hz. Having identified the appropriate audio range and crossover frequency is necessary before selecting any components for the speaker crossover design process.

A musician since childhood, his audio hardware roots go back to his days as a studio engineer in Nashville, TN in 2009. In 2011 he left the studio world to became a full-time journalist, with an emphasis on A/V, including TVs, speakers, headphones, and audio gear of all kinds. The author of hundreds of articles, Ryan has a passion for finding readers the best value on the best gear out there.

It'll tell you what capacitors and inductors you need to create a passive crossover design for either two speakers (a 2-way passive crossover) or three speakers (a 3-way passive crossover). In practical terms, they effectively “block” unwanted sound frequencies from reaching a speaker driver by greatly reducing, or attenuating, the input signal from a stereo or amplifier. Determiningthe port parameters for a cabinet is not complicated but it is best to use acalculator on the manufacturer’s website.

Example of a finished DIY speaker crossover

When all issaid and done, add an additional 10% to the calculated required internalcabinet volume. Once the internal volumeis determined, it is pretty simple to determine the required cabinetdimensions. Standing waves are greatlyreduced when cabinet internal dimensions are not the same or multiples of thesame distance apart.

Shopping for crossover components

No crossover can completely block out all frequencies beyond the crossoverpoint. Instead, it filters the frequencies in greater amounts as the frequencymoves away from the crossover point. How fast it filters the sound is determinedby the order of the crossover. A 1st order crossover filters 6 db/octave, a 2ndorder 12 db/octave, a 3rd order 18 db/octave, and so on.

If these items are not readily available in your workspace, you may need to purchase them from a local electronics store or online retailer. Additionally, having reliable electrical diagrams or plans will help ensure the success of your project by providing guidelines on where each part should be placed and how they should be wired together. Tweeters are relatively small electromagnetic or piezoelectric drivers capable of reproducing frequencies beyond 5 kHz. Don’t get to carried away with getting the response ruler flat because we have to fine tune everything anyway. As a result, when tinkering with one component, it can have minor effects in areas where you don’t expect. Also, be sure to verify their voltage rating – you’ll want a rating that’s at least equal to or higher than your amp or stereo’s output voltage generally.

The parameters can only becalculated when the 2 crossover points are 3.0 or 3.4 octaves apart. At this juncture, it isimportant to note that the T/S parameters from the loudspeaker manufacturers donot always match the actual T/S parameters. Many loudspeaker design programs and other tools allow extraction of theT/S parameters. If precision is key andyou do not want to risk cutting cabinets or ports twice then it is important todetermine the actual T/S parameters of a loudspeaker before moving forward withthe design.

Having this information laid out visually makes it easier to compare and assess various components within the same crossover design. Additionally, it allows for quick reference when soldering components together later on in the process. All that’s left now is connecting these pieces together in order to create a functioning speaker crossover design.

Sending a full-range signal to all speakers within the system, regardless of each speaker’s design, can be problematic. Firstly, each speaker is only capable of accuracy within a limited range. Sending frequencies outside of this range will waste the resources available to the speaker and yield inaccurate results. Additionally, low-frequency energy can cause damage to a high frequency driver. Speaker crossovers are implemented using either circuits enclosed within speaker cabinets or processing before the input of a power amplifier.

The second crossover frequency will be automatically calculated.The bandpass gain (the db gain for the midrange driver) is also automatically calculated. Madisound offers a wide selection of do-it-yourself loudspeaker kits for nearly all high-fidelity applications. These are typically superior in quality than comparable consumer audio products, at a fraction of the price. We provide the drivers and assembled crossovers for a majority of published DIY speaker designs available online.

Clearly, vented enclosuresallow significantly more power handling above 20Hz but there is no free lunchhere. Group delay is severely affectedby the vented alignment and this means that vented enclosures are sometimesconsidered to have a less desirable transient response. Considering the majority of music content isabove 40Hz, the group delay for the vented enclosure will suffice for thisproject. A passive design, which uses acoustic damping to reduce the unwanted sounds of a loudspeaker, requires precise filter selection for each individual driver. The end result should be a speaker crossover that meets all our performance requirements while delivering optimal sound quality.

The trick is to use multiple crossover components in such a way that they add up close to what you’re after. Electrolytic capacitors and air core inductors have a tolerance of about plus or minus 20% of their labeled value (+/-20%). More expensive parts may have 10% or lower tolerance which is nice but not really necessary.

It will also sound “weird” because the timing of the audio waves you hear conflicts. You can use my speaker crossover calculator to generate parts values to build your own capacitor, experiment with different values, and more. When you buy inductors, capacitors, and resistors there are usually only certain valuesavailable.

3-Way Crossover Calculator Designer

3 way speaker crossover design

Conversely, if low-frequency sounds are desired, then a higher crossover frequency should be chosen. As an audio engineer or speaker crossover design specialist, it is essential to gather your resources and explore your options before beginning any project. To start off any speaker crossover design project, you should begin by collecting all necessary supplies and tools.

Way Crossover Designer / Calculator Help

The 3D CAD programs allow for easycalculation of internal volume and are really handy for test fitting driversand ports before building the cabinet. Ionce designed a simple sub cabinet but didn’t realize the port length wouldinterfere with the driver until the cabinet was finished. I ended up rerouting the port using a seriesof bends that ended up causing port noise when the volume was cranked. When selecting a resistor, you have to worry about both Resistance and Wattage.The power handling ability of a resistor is listed in Watts. Make sure your resistors can handleat least the Wattage requirements of your circuit. Metal oxide (MOX) layer resistors have no residual inductanceand are the best for tweeters and mid-range speakers.

What Are The Safety Risks Associated With Building A Speaker Crossover Design?

Then, you can use the speaker box calculator to aid in the creation of the housing of your components. For a three-speaker setup, you would also have a midrange speaker to cover a range of frequencies between higher quality tweeter and woofer speakers. We got to implement a notch filter on the mid-range side to get rid of that hump in the frequency response. After that, we will fine tune all the components until we get a flat response. If you’re interested in the technical aspects of the different crossover designs available, I’d encourage you to read more.

How to design loudspeakers - video courses

Because it introduces phase errors when splicing nearfield with far field response. In addition, when you are designing a crossover, you don’t manipulate the lowest octaves. It’s nice to have the whole response on the chart, but you can do it just as well without. As a result, we don’t need that portion of the frequency response (20 – 200 Hz), because we don’t alter it in any way in our 3 way passive crossover design. A 4thorder crossover rolls off frequencies at 24dB per octave where as a 1storder crossover rolls off frequencies at 6dB per octave. Lower order crossovers have less phase shiftbut tradeoff power handling and masking out of band response anomalies.

Mid-range – tweeter crossover point

The resonance spike is over oneoctave from the crossover point, and may be damped enough that it will not be noticed,but it will be added to the circuit anyway. TheSeries Notch Filter Calculatorwas used to determine the necessary components. The next step in designing the crossover circuit is to design the l-pads toequalize the different driver sensitivities.

TIP: adjusting the crossover frequency to match parts on hand

The crossover network determines the term used to describe the speaker cabinet. When working with3 or more speakers, at least one speaker must be bandpass. When wiring multiple speakers, you usually start with the largestspeaker. In our 3-waysystem, both the mid and tweeter are run though the HPF from the woofer/mid crossover. There are so many different types and variations of passive crossover design types that it’s not practical for me to cover all of them. To keep things manageable and help the highest number of people (just like you!), I’ll cover what you need to know for building one of several options that will work for 95%+ of speaker system needs.

3 way speaker crossover design

Typical inductor and capacitor tolerances

Wharfedale's AURA Speakers Are Designed to Deliver Great Sound Without Breaking the Bank - eCoustics

Wharfedale's AURA Speakers Are Designed to Deliver Great Sound Without Breaking the Bank.

Posted: Sun, 08 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

For the purpose of this article, we will showthe development of a 3-way vented enclosure. An active design, on the other hand, utilizes electronic filters within an amplifier to adjust the frequency response of the audio signal before it reaches the speakers. For example, if you’re looking for a wide frequency range and need full control over your sound, then an active crossover is a great choice. The downside to this approach is that it requires more components and setup time than a passive crossover. Soldering the components is an essential step in the speaker crossover design process.

The first step in developing aloudspeaker is obviously deciding what the goals are. Do you want to build a 7 cubic foot behemothor 0.1 cubic foot desktop speaker for your office desktop? As the DIY iconic designer Troels Gravesenputs it, “Size Matters” and to get deep powerful bass and high efficiencyrequires a large enclosure. It ispossible to get pretty deep bass out of a smaller cabinet but the efficiencyand total acoustic power are typically much lower. For this sample project, we will set areasonable design goal of +/- 3dB from 35-20kHz with the ability to generate aminimum of 100dB SPL at 1 meter with an impedance minimum of 4 ohms. When working with 3 or more speakers, at least one speaker must be bandpass.

In many cases, both passive and active crossovers are used in a single system. This time, there will be +3dB of gain applied to the low frequency driver only. One to help stabilize the speaker's impedance as frequency changes (Zobel) and another that attenuates the volume (L-pad). Obviously this won’t always work, and not all speakers are suited for it, but it’s a helpful strategy in some cases.

Polarized capacitors are the most common type but won’t work for audio use – you MUST use non-polarized types. That’s because 1) they can’t handle an alternating current (AC) voltage that reverses and 2) they can distort the sound and even fail. Non-polarized capacitors allow an electrical musical signal to pass fine.

Many people look for that deep null at the crossover point when reversing the polarity of the midrange driver. You can do that by choosing asymmetrical crossover slopes to alter the phase shift and hope that the phases will match. I can tell you that I tried many combinations and didn’t quite got a satisfactory result.

Finally, make sure that any additional components such as equalizers or limiters are adjusted accordingly so that all parts of the audio signal can be heard clearly across its entire range. Systems which include a 2-way speaker powered by two amplifier channels and an active crossover are called biamplified systems. Similarly, 3-way speaker systems powered by three amplifier channels and an active crossover are called triamplified systems. The most common slope settings for crossover filters in professional audio are 12dB per octave and 18dB per octave. It is very common to combine these two techniques, using a multi-way speaker cabinet for low-mid, mid, and high frequencies and a separate subwoofer cabinet for low frequencies. The solution is to have two or three (maybe more, but these are less common) specialist speakers inside each speaker unit.

This includes items such as soldering equipment, wire strippers, flux core solder, electrical tape, and a multi-meter for testing. For anyone looking to build a speaker crossover design, it is important to understand that the results are only as good as the resources and tools used. According to experts in the field, nearly 97% of all speaker crossover designs require at least some basic supplies and tools to be successful. Once you’ve gathered all the necessary materials, it’s time to begin designing the crossover itself.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Nashville River Cruises

general jackson dinner cruise

With Rollin’ on the River, the Showboat celebrates the music from some of America’s iconic river towns. All of our cruises are climate controlled, so no matter when you take a cruise, you’ll have a fantastic experience. Showboats have long been a colorful part of our nation’s history, and this most unique Nashville attraction epitomizes the grace and grandeur of the South. If you are looking for a Tennessee Legends, look no further than the world-famous General Jackson Showboat. Spend an afternoon onboard with us where you can sample the many styles of music that made Tennessee famous.

Nashville Predators > BEST Premium Seats & Ticket Packages on Sale!

River Navigable for 381 miles; the General Jackson dock is at mile 197.5; average depth is feet; normal (pool) level is 385 feet elevation. The head waters are in Harlin County, Kentucky, and the mouth is at Smithland, Kentucky, where it joins the Ohio River. Join us for a legendary cruise down the historic Cumberland River on the grandest vessel afloat, the General Jackson Showboat!

Amelia River Cruises & Charters

Please note that firearms and any type of weapons are not allowed aboard the General Jackson Showboat.

Tennessee Legends

The Nashville river boat can carry up to 1,037 passengers and 135 crew at a time during max capacity. It also features one of the largest paddlewheels that is 36 feet long and 24 feet in diameter. The boat is comprised of four decks, which hold features such as the Heritage Hall, a gift shop, the Victorian Theater with a sit-down dining area and comfortable seating, balconies, and tons of outside viewing opportunities. If you are wanting to enjoy a completely unique experience, make sure to board this fantastic riverboat.

Learn About the General Jackson's New Dinner Cruise Show - Maury County Source

Learn About the General Jackson's New Dinner Cruise Show.

Posted: Sun, 24 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Popular lake cruises return to Stonewall Resort - WBOY.com

Popular lake cruises return to Stonewall Resort.

Posted: Thu, 20 Apr 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This famous paddle wheel riverboat takes guests via the Cumberland River to view the Nashville skyline to enjoy a relaxing cruise, live stage show, and delicious dinner. Whether you are celebrating a date night, birthday, or just want to get in some sightseeing during your Music City vacation, it is a must-have addition to your itinerary. The General Jackson was built by the largest inland shipbuilder in the United States, Jeffboat, and was launched on the Ohio River in Indiana to start the journey to its new home on Nashville’s Cumberland River on April 20, 1985.

What’s Included

With its elegant lacy filigree and stately design, the boat is reminiscent of the opulence of the American Victorian era. One of the largest showboats ever built, the grand General Jackson Showboat is an elegant triumph of American ingenuity. While “rollin’ down the river,” you’ll enjoy stunning views, a delicious meal freshly prepared by our chefs and toe-tapping entertainment in our two-story Victorian Theater in the center of the boat. While “rollin’ down the river,” you’ll enjoy stunning views, a delicious meal freshly prepared by our chefs and toe-tapping entertainment in our two-story Victorian Theater. A General Jackson Showboat Lunch or Dinner Cruise provides an amazing adventure to those visiting Nashville, TN.

Rollin’ on the River

general jackson dinner cruise

The General Jackson is one of the largest Nashville boat and river cruises in the country and its dock is found on the Cumberland River. Having launched its cruises in 1985, it has provided quality entertainment, live music, and fun to visitors for more than three decades. It is named after the first steamboat to travel in Nashville in 1817. Thousands of people have enjoyed this famous attraction, which is famous for its stately design and special event cruises, drawing in thousands of travelers every year to view its entertainment options. The boat itself has a lot of stunning features, with a length of 274 feet and a towering height of 55 feet, massive decks, and stunning views.

Vegetarian menus, while change each night, are often the same menu as the regular cruise minus the meat. Showboats have long been a colorful part of our nation’s history, and this most unique Nashville attraction epitomizes the grace and grandeur of the Old South. Spend an afternoon on the General Jackson with live musical performances from Nashville’s best artists.

Additionally, the beautiful General Jackson Showboat is wheelchair accessible and gives a neat way to explore the Nashville downtown area. Our musical journey begins way down yonder at the mouth of the Mississippi in New Orleans where we’ll be playing jazz & swing favorites like “Jump, Jive and Wail” and “When the Saints Go Marching” in”. Our final stop around the riverbend brings us to The Music City–Nashville, Tennessee, where we celebrate the city’s early music roots, the incredible songs and stars of the 1990’s and finish with the sounds of today’s country music headliners. One of the largest showboats ever built, the grand General Jackson is an elegant triumph of American ingenuity.

Daytime Cruises

general jackson dinner cruise

The Nashville river boat can carry up to 1,037 passengers and 135 crew at a time during max capacity. It also features one of the largest paddlewheels that is 36 feet long and 24 feet in diameter. The boat is comprised of four decks, which hold features such as the Heritage Hall, a gift shop, the Victorian Theater with a sit-down dining area and comfortable seating, balconies, and tons of outside viewing opportunities. If you are wanting to enjoy a completely unique experience, make sure to board this fantastic riverboat.

Nashville.com Official Guide To Nashville, TN

This famous paddle wheel riverboat takes guests via the Cumberland River to view the Nashville skyline to enjoy a relaxing cruise, live stage show, and delicious dinner. Whether you are celebrating a date night, birthday, or just want to get in some sightseeing during your Music City vacation, it is a must-have addition to your itinerary. The General Jackson was built by the largest inland shipbuilder in the United States, Jeffboat, and was launched on the Ohio River in Indiana to start the journey to its new home on Nashville’s Cumberland River on April 20, 1985.

Rollin’ on the River Cruise Schedule

Please note that firearms and any type of weapons are not allowed aboard the General Jackson Showboat.

Your cruise lets you experience Nashville as it can best be seen from the beautiful Cumberland River.

River Navigable for 381 miles; the General Jackson dock is at mile 197.5; average depth is feet; normal (pool) level is 385 feet elevation. The head waters are in Harlin County, Kentucky, and the mouth is at Smithland, Kentucky, where it joins the Ohio River. Join us for a legendary cruise down the historic Cumberland River on the grandest vessel afloat, the General Jackson Showboat!

Tennessee Legends

Enjoy The Best Views Of Downtown Nashville When You Take An Evening Cruise On The General Jackson Showboat - Only In Your State

Enjoy The Best Views Of Downtown Nashville When You Take An Evening Cruise On The General Jackson Showboat.

Posted: Mon, 03 May 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

With its elegant lacy filigree and stately design, the boat is reminiscent of the opulence of the American Victorian era. One of the largest showboats ever built, the grand General Jackson Showboat is an elegant triumph of American ingenuity. While “rollin’ down the river,” you’ll enjoy stunning views, a delicious meal freshly prepared by our chefs and toe-tapping entertainment in our two-story Victorian Theater in the center of the boat. While “rollin’ down the river,” you’ll enjoy stunning views, a delicious meal freshly prepared by our chefs and toe-tapping entertainment in our two-story Victorian Theater. A General Jackson Showboat Lunch or Dinner Cruise provides an amazing adventure to those visiting Nashville, TN.

General Jackson Riverboat Cruise Things to do in Dalewood, Nashville - Time Out

General Jackson Riverboat Cruise Things to do in Dalewood, Nashville.

Posted: Thu, 08 Sep 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

With Rollin’ on the River, the Showboat celebrates the music from some of America’s iconic river towns. All of our cruises are climate controlled, so no matter when you take a cruise, you’ll have a fantastic experience. Showboats have long been a colorful part of our nation’s history, and this most unique Nashville attraction epitomizes the grace and grandeur of the South. If you are looking for a Tennessee Legends, look no further than the world-famous General Jackson Showboat. Spend an afternoon onboard with us where you can sample the many styles of music that made Tennessee famous.

general jackson dinner cruise

For Some Tennessee Legends

Additionally, the beautiful General Jackson Showboat is wheelchair accessible and gives a neat way to explore the Nashville downtown area. Our musical journey begins way down yonder at the mouth of the Mississippi in New Orleans where we’ll be playing jazz & swing favorites like “Jump, Jive and Wail” and “When the Saints Go Marching” in”. Our final stop around the riverbend brings us to The Music City–Nashville, Tennessee, where we celebrate the city’s early music roots, the incredible songs and stars of the 1990’s and finish with the sounds of today’s country music headliners. One of the largest showboats ever built, the grand General Jackson is an elegant triumph of American ingenuity.

The General Jackson is one of the largest Nashville boat and river cruises in the country and its dock is found on the Cumberland River. Having launched its cruises in 1985, it has provided quality entertainment, live music, and fun to visitors for more than three decades. It is named after the first steamboat to travel in Nashville in 1817. Thousands of people have enjoyed this famous attraction, which is famous for its stately design and special event cruises, drawing in thousands of travelers every year to view its entertainment options. The boat itself has a lot of stunning features, with a length of 274 feet and a towering height of 55 feet, massive decks, and stunning views.

Vegetarian menus, while change each night, are often the same menu as the regular cruise minus the meat. Showboats have long been a colorful part of our nation’s history, and this most unique Nashville attraction epitomizes the grace and grandeur of the Old South. Spend an afternoon on the General Jackson with live musical performances from Nashville’s best artists.

Cruises to Mexico 2024-2026 with Carnival Cruise Line

3 day cruise from san francisco to mexico

Keep the burstiness and perplexity in mind by surprising the reader with interesting facts or trivia related to the activities on board. For example, did you know that some cruise ships have onboard water parks with thrilling slides and lazy rivers? Or that some live entertainment shows feature aerialists who perform daring acrobatic acts high above the stage? These unexpected details will keep the reader engaged and curious to learn more about what the cruise has to offer. If you’re looking for adventure, Puerto Vallarta has plenty to offer.

Mexico cruise excursions

Visit the iconic Angela Peralta Theater, a beautifully restored opera house that showcases Mazatlán’s artistic heritage. Stroll along the Malecón, a scenic oceanfront promenade adorned with sculptures and breathtaking views of the Pacific. Immerse yourself in the local traditions, taste authentic Mexican cuisine, and interact with friendly locals who are eager to share their stories and customs. A cultural tour in Mazatlán is a perfect blend of history, art, and local flavor. With over 60 years of experience, we know all the cities and excursions that provide the most authentic Mexico cruise adventures — not just margaritas and mariachis, but more!

Things to Do in Cabo San Lucas

The Panama Canal is a true engineering wonder, but even more spectacles lie ahead when you cruise from San Francisco aboard the #1 cruise line in the Canal. Stroll along the colorful streets of Cartagena, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and explore Spanish fortresses nearby. Or zipline through Nicaragua’s lush jungles and relish in sweeping views of the region’s untouched landscapes.

Day Baja Mexico Cruise sailing on the Carnival Miracle

Whether you prefer lounging on a comfortable sunbed or taking a refreshing dip in the pool, the cruise ships offer spacious and well-designed pool areas for passengers to enjoy. Grab a tropical cocktail from the poolside bar and bask in the warm rays as the ship glides through the azure waters. With stunning ocean views as your backdrop, you’ll feel like you’re in paradise. Mazatlán, known as the “Pearl of the Pacific,” is a city with a rich history and a vibrant cultural scene.

If you’re looking for activities on the water, consider joining a whale-watching tour in Ensenada — season runs from mid-December to mid-April. Or opt for an unforgettable scuba diving adventure in Cabo’s Bahía San Lucas. Each stop on a western Mexico cruise promises endless new discoveries. Bask in the wild natural beauty of Cabo San Lucas, with its windswept cliffs plunging into the Pacific. And embark on a wine- and food-tasting adventure while visiting cosmopolitan Ensenada.


Zip-lining through the lush jungle canopy, riding ATVs along rugged trails, and snorkeling in the crystal-clear waters are just a few of the thrilling activities available. And for those seeking a more relaxed experience, there are plenty of opportunities for fishing, sailing, and even whale watching. For nature enthusiasts, a visit to the Vallarta Botanical Gardens is a must. This 64-acre garden is home to a diverse range of plant species, including orchids, bromeliads, and cacti. Visitors can explore the trails, relax in the shade of the palm trees, and even enjoy a picnic surrounded by the beauty of nature. In addition to the Panama Canal transit, this cruise also stops at ports along the Mexican coast, including Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlán.

3 day cruise from san francisco to mexico

Whether you explore on land or unwind on board, there’s fun to be had for everyone. Recognized by Porthole Magazine as “Best Multi-Generational Cruise Line,” our Mexico cruises offer activities for all ages. Adults can indulge in the region’s food and beverages while kids can kayak, paddleboard or swim in the sea. Set sail when the whole family is on holiday break, or book a getaway during a long weekend.

Ships That Cruise from San Francisco

Let’s explore the different cruise options you have for this incredible journey. If you’re longing for a vacation that’s equal parts beautiful scenery, rich culture and thrills the whole family will love, nothing beats Mexico cruises from Los Angeles. Bordered by the Pacific, the Mexican Riviera checks all the boxes — great cuisine, quaint historic towns, top-rated beaches and even a wine country that rivals Napa. What’s more, you’ll have just as much to look forward to in between shoreside discoveries as you sail onboard the Amplified fleet-favorite, Navigator of the Seas®. Thanks to its stunning coastline, Ensenada will give you plenty of postcard-worthy moments…, and it couldn’t be easier to get there. Escape to Mexico’s original seaside getaway with Carnival cruises to Ensenada.

Baja Peninsula & Sea of Cortez

Our 10-day cruises are comprehensive, with visits to unique coastal cities like La Paz, where snorkeling with sea lions excites, and Loreto, where a clambake awaits. Enjoy ziplining through Boca de Sierra, kayaking through Paradise Cove in Cabo, riding an ATV through Puerto Vallarta and more on a Mexico cruise. Carnival reserves the right to re-instate the fuel supplement for all guests at up to $9 per person per day if the NYMEX oil price exceeds $70 per barrel. Rates & offers are subject to select dates & categories, cruise only, per person, based on double occupancy, in US Dollars, & include NCCF. All rates & offers are capacity controlled, are subject to availability & confirmation, & may change without notice.

Weekend cruises: Plan a quick, cheap getaway without missing much work - The Points Guy

Weekend cruises: Plan a quick, cheap getaway without missing much work.

Posted: Fri, 08 Apr 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Whether you prefer cardio workouts, strength training, or group classes, there’s something to suit every fitness level and interest. The fitness center is staffed with experienced trainers who are available to guide and assist you, ensuring you get the most out of your workout. Mazatlán is also famous for its vibrant Carnival celebrations, which take place in late February or early March. This lively festival features parades, music, dancing, and colorful costumes, bringing the city to life with an infectious energy. It’s a fantastic opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and join in the festivities. Furthermore, Cruise Critic makes no guarantees for availability of prices advertised on our site.

With its serene ambiance, calming scents, and soft music, you’ll feel your worries melt away as soon as you step inside. Take a dip in the whirlpool or unwind in the sauna to further enhance your spa experience. This is your chance to truly pamper yourself and indulge in some well-deserved self-care. At the Spa and Wellness Center, you can escape from the stresses of everyday life and indulge in pure relaxation.

For any cruises listed, Cruise Critic does not guarantee any specific rates or prices. Continue to experience the charm of Mexico by cruising to Ensenada, which is also located on the Baja peninsula, or Cabo San Lucas, which is further down the coast. Many cruises from the west coast of California and Mexico continue on to other ports like Catalina Island, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlan. \nContinue to experience the charm of Mexico by cruising to Ensenada, which is also located on the Baja peninsula, or Cabo San Lucas, which is further down the coast.

Embark on a memorable journey with a cruise from San Francisco to Mexico. Discover the stunning Mexican Riviera, indulge in poolside relaxation and fine dining, and explore exciting destinations like Cabo San Lucas and Puerto Vallarta. Though visitors between January and mid-March will be treated to peak whale migration season, while summer offers sunny beach days and prime surf conditions.

From slot machines to blackjack tables and poker tournaments, there’s plenty to keep you entertained. Feel the rush of adrenaline as you place your bets and watch the roulette wheel spin. Engage with fellow passengers in friendly competition and see if luck is on your side. The casino is a vibrant and lively space, filled with the excitement of possibility. When it comes to live entertainment shows, make sure to reserve your seat early to catch the most popular performances.

The meet is dried like jerky, pounded and simmered in spiced liquid until it’s tender again. Make the most of your cruise out of San Francisco by taking in the flavor, beauty and history that lies before you. Here’s everything you should know before arriving in the Golden Gate City.

Cruises from San Francisco

3 day cruise from san francisco to mexico

Even if you’ve never visited Mexico, chances are you’ve tried shrimp or fish tacos before. Locals in the region typically serve tacos with grilled or fried seafood topped with lettuce or cabbage, pico de gallo and a sour cream or citrus mayonnaise. A staple of the Sonoran cuisine popular in northern Mexico, machaca guisada is a stew that spotlights spiced beef or donkey.

Expert guidance. No booking fees.

When it comes to filling a few days with great food, rich culture and plenty of fun in the sun, nothing beats a Mexico cruise from the west coast. Sail from Los Angeles on Navigator of the Seas® — an Amplified fleet favorite that’s bursting with thrills. Opt for a quick escape to Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas filled with delicious global flavors, top-notch wines and world-renowned beaches. From dramatic Land’s End in Cabo San Lucas to Puerto Vallarta’s lively, café- and bar-dotted coast, you’ll have your pick of postcard-pretty shores for soaking up the sun.

THE 25 BEST 3 Day Cruises to Pacific Coastal (Prices & Itineraries) on Cruise Critic - Cruise Critic

THE 25 BEST 3 Day Cruises to Pacific Coastal (Prices & Itineraries) on Cruise Critic.

Posted: Sat, 20 Apr 2024 00:06:37 GMT [source]

Things to Buy in Mexico Cruise Ports

Start your cruise from San Francisco by sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge and into a sea of opportunity. Venture north to relive Alaska’s gold rush history, or head south to bask in the beauty of the Mexican Riviera. Tour the California Coast on a 4-day cruise from San Francisco, or explore the Hawaiian islands on a 15-day cruise. Arrive in Northern California and embark on your dream vacation with Princess.


3 day cruise from san francisco to mexico

With regular sailings out of San Francisco and Los Angeles, Mexico is just one flight — or drive — away. No matter how busy your schedule may be, you can still indulge in a quintessential Mexico cruise vacation any time of the year thanks to our year round sailings. If you have more time to spare, arrive early or stay longer and explore the wonders of our West Coast embarkation ports. Cruise to Mexico from Los Angeles or San Francisco and have time to relax at sea plus experience adventure.

Experience the fun, flavor and fiesta of a Mexico cruise.

Cruise Critic is not a booking agent and does not charge any service fees to users of our site. When you book with one of our partners, please be sure to check their site for a full disclosure of all applicable fees as required by the U.S. Mexican cuisine is beloved around the world, and the food you’ll find along the Mexican Riviera has a flavor all its own. From Sonoran specialties like machaca stew to Baja beach-day classics like shrimp and fish tacos, you’ll find plenty of crave-worthy flavors to savor during your Mexico cruise.

With professional guides to assist you and provide insights about the marine ecosystem, you’ll have an unforgettable snorkeling experience in Cabo San Lucas. Whether you’re looking to soak up the sun, take a dip in the azure waters, or try your hand at various water sports, there is a beach for every preference. Playa Olas Altas, renowned for its excellent surfing conditions, is a favorite among adrenaline seekers, while Playa Norte offers a more tranquil setting for relaxation. Cabo San Lucas is a popular tourist destination located at the southern tip of the Baja California Peninsula.

Is a short cruise right for you? - The Points Guy

Is a short cruise right for you?.

Posted: Thu, 31 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]


From Broadway-style productions to comedy acts and acrobatic shows, there’s always something exciting happening on board. Visitors can take a boat tour to get up close to the arch and even explore the nearby Lover’s Beach. Lowest pricing is based on our 3rd party pricing supplier and valid as of April 21st, 2024. Though tamales are popular throughout central and south America, the ones you’ll find along Mexico’s western coast are unique. These are typically stuffed with pork (called guemes tamales) or chicken (tamales fajados de pollo) along with simmered olives and raisins.

Year-Round Cruises to Mexico

With its stunning beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant nightlife, it’s no wonder why so many people flock to this coastal paradise. During this cruise, you’ll have the chance to visit destinations such as Cabo San Lucas, Puerto Vallarta, and Mazatlán, just like the 7-night cruise. However, you’ll also have the opportunity to explore additional ports such as Acapulco and Zihuatanejo. These lesser-known destinations offer a more off-the-beaten-path experience, allowing you to discover Mexico’s best-kept secrets.

3 day cruise from san francisco to mexico

Night Catalina & Ensenada CruiseDetails

Cruise through the Sea of Cortez, considered to be the “Aquarium of the World”, as well as the Islands and Protected Areas of the Gulf of California, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the surrounding landscapes with the golden sunset as your backdrop on our Mexico cruises. Cruise to La Paz and visit a pottery factory, or head downtown to shop for artisan gifts — like hand-crafted jewelry, woven gifts and decorations.

As for the great outdoors, warm days and breezy nights make it a perfect place to get away year-round. Visit Alcatraz, the Golden Gate Bridge and Muir Woods National Monument. In the birthplace of blue jeans, shop boutiques on Market Street, or find the perfect souvenir at Pier 39. Then savor Italian seafood at Fisherman’s Wharf, and try the city’s signature dish — clam chowder in a bread bowl. Or spend time in Sonoma or Napa sipping locally grown wines before your cruise from San Francisco.

The Mexican Riviera has many beauties including Manzanillo, a historic city center.

Located on the west coast of Mexico, this coastal gem offers a perfect blend of relaxation, adventure, and cultural exploration. Embarking on a cruise vacation from San Francisco to Mexico is an exciting and unforgettable experience. With a variety of cruise options available, you can choose the perfect itinerary that suits your preferences and time constraints.

Lay on the beach or join an excursion to the jungles in the mountains. Exploration, relaxation, flavor, fiesta and more to be had in Mexico. Our top-rated Mexican Riviera cruise is the best way to enjoy Mexico.

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